Welcome to my site!

Avril Lavigne

Hey everyone! My name is Sparky Lee, and I decided to make this site, to brag about how awsome my favourite singer is. As you can probably already tell, my favourite singer is the wild child herself, AVRIL LAVIGNE!

Her C.D.
Avril recently came out with her first c.d. titled "let go". It has super awsome songs on it, my favourite being 'Loosing grip'. The other songs that are on it are the #1 hit's 'Skater boi' and 'Complicated'. Also the c.d. contains other songs called 'I'm with you','Naked','Mobile','Too much to ask','Unwanted','Tommorow','Anything but ordinary', 'Nobody's fool' and 'My world'

On my site....
I just started this site recently, but I have some pretty awsome pic's that you can check out, lyrics, tour news, a bio and more! I want to whole world to hear about Avril! Avril rocks, can I make it any more abvious? Much more pages will be appearing shortly, so don't forget ot check back!

Official Avril Site
Do you love Avril as much as I do? Then check out her official site! It has videos, songs, merchandise you can buy, listings of her tours, her journal, and the Avril E-Team. Which is a cool place that you can join to get more involved in helping the world to hear her music!

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Avril's offical link!

E-mailing me
I am just a fan of Avril, I have no contact with her personally at all, I wish I did, but I don't. So please don't e-mail me asking me to give your e-mails to her, because I can't I am sorry. But you can e-mail me with any news you have on her, or anything you want to say about my site. Hope to hear from you!

Love ya Avril!